Woo hoo! We are ready to move in... There are a few touch-ups and a little more cleaning (a couple ceiling fans and cupboards to wipe down, but besides that we are ready to go next weekend!!!
I did take one "after" picture... but our batteries were dying in the camera and we didn't have any new ones. I will post more as soon as I get a chance.
The "before" picture!
This is our kitchen now! We are so pleased with how it turned out. You always are wondering how it will end up when you are working on it! We do have a couple light fixtures to replace as well, but that we can do after we are living there!
Another angle
After lunch Dane was so good... He just played in the living room by himself for over an hour. I had time to put a second coat of paint on all the cupboards! (he has another tooth coming in, hence the drool wetting his front!!!) Here he is raiding the diaper bag!
Dane is probably not to far from walking. He started letting go of us and balancing for a moment before he realizes what he is doing and falls! No steps all by himself yet, but he walks around everything like crazy! I'm actually not in too much of a hurry. I chase him enough as it is, but right now I can beat him there... If he's running too I may not be so lucky!!!
Well, we are ready to hit another week! Tomorrow it is work for us and Dane goes to see the ladies at daycare. Clint is switching to days though, so that is super nice. We will get to eat dinner together and such!
We hope everyone has a great week!
Wow, it looks good. Can't wait to see the rest of it.
The house looks great! You guys have done good work! I am surprised you even have time to post anything! Keep up the good work but don't work too hard :) Dane is getting so cute & big! I can't believe he is almost a year old! Such a big boy!
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