Friday, July 10, 2015

Lots of catching up to do!

Kimber is all signed up for Kindergarten and ready to roll next year! Here she is at the "Hi" tea meeting her classmates and filling out a little paperwork.
As you can see, there is no shortage of spunk with that girl! :)

Lots of bunnies this spring to love on! Dane is sportin' his shorter cast that he got after the first 3 weeks with the longer cast.

A trip to the dentist is always fun! We love Ms. Aimee!

And Dane's end of year program! They sang and we truly enjoyed listening to them!

Then they each got a type of candy that Mrs. Rask feels matches their personality or year. Dane got bubble tape for all the "ouchies" he got throughout the year! :)

Kimber also had to get one cavity filled. This was her getting that done. She was a total champ and never even realized she got a shot! Yes, Ms. Aimee is that good!

Summer in Great Falls is just an awesome time to hang out and catch any type of water creature we can find!

Snakes in the Missouri.

Horned toads at the cabin!

and whatever else is out there!