Saturday, August 7, 2010

Busy, busy, busy!!!

This is going to be a super fast post with lots of pictures!  We are going like crazy but are having a wonderful time.  I started back to work last week and it was great.  I enjoy my job/co-workers and Kimber did wonderful at daycare.  It really helped only going the three days.  I will fill everyone in more on that later.  We did realize how busy things will be, but I think we are up for the challenge! 

Last Saturday Dane, Kimber, and I went to the fair...  Clint was working some overtime, but actually was working at the Fair, so we did get to see him briefly. 

Dane loved the petting zoo... 

We were watching the carousal for a while and Dane told me he wanted to ride...  so here he is!
I couldn't get a very good picture, but he had a great time!
Then on Sunday we got up and went fishing.  (Clint only had 3 hours of sleep...  what a rock star!)
Amazingly, he landed this pike on mono leader.  Crazy!  They have super sharp teeth and usually you only use wire leader.  This was also a pretty nice fish for the area!  Nice work honey!!!
Letting it go!

Then Clint made Dane the cutest bow and arrow.  They shot it in the back yard and Dane thought he was hot stuff!!! 
This weekend we are doing an overnight backpacking trip.  I will post pictures and details when we get home!

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