Saturday, February 23, 2013

What have we been up to?

Well, let's see...  my time away from the blog started with a week in Utah for my job.  I had the opportunity to attend an amazing training.  At this training I became a facilitator for some really incredible material.  Then I returned to begin assisting my boss in facilitating monthly workshops to help train staff. It is a really great opportunity and I feel so fortunate to be a part of it.

While I was gone, Clint took a few days off so we didn't have to worry about people picking up the kids, etc.  I think that really helped make it an enjoyable experience for all of them.  Dane and Clint had a special Dane/Daddy fishing trip, and then Kimber got to go to lunch and then bake muffins with Daddy.  

Maybe they all felt a little crazy once in a while, but I think everyone had a great time!

Since I got back, work has been pretty crazy and of course the kids are always a little crazy!  :)  As you can see from Kimber's picture above!

Luckily, Clint had Tuesday off, and since I had some extra hours for the week I was able to play hooky!  So, when the Houston's have an extra day off and there is ice on the lakes, what do they do?  They grab the kids and go ice fishing!

It was a beautiful day to be on Holter!
Clint setting tip ups while I keep the kids busy!
Why do I keep the kids busy while Clint gets the tip ups in the water?  Cause they are the BEST helpers ever, and have to be in the middle of everything!  Luckily, they have a great dad with a lot of patience who teaches them and let's them (especially Dane) be right in the middle!
Then we get to pull big, beautiful trout through the ice!
Yes, we only caught 3 trout...  but each one was beautiful, and we had a great time catching them!
So, when we weren't catching those 3 fish, we did other fun things, like go sledding!
Then it's back to having fun, pulling up fish!
and apparently two dogs isn't enough.  This was a dog that belonged to another ice fisherman and she found our kids very entertaining!

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