Monday, January 17, 2011

A trend...

For those of you who follow our blog, have you ever noticed a trend?
Spring - Hiking along the River and fishing on the Missouri
Summer - Fishing out of the boat
Fall - Bird Hunting/Big Game Hunting
Winter - Ice Fishing

I realize sometimes that I fall into a blogging rut.  But, I'm not really sure how to change that.  I try to sprinkle in some photos of kids doing other things, or nature...  but this is our life, and how we spend our free time.  Although I really like my job, I don't think that pictures of my office would be very stimulating, and although pictures of Clint's work may be interesting...  they frown on that.  So, with that said...  this weekend we went to the cabin.  Now I'm going to share pictures and I hope that is okay with you!
Oh wait...  one more thing.  I'm sorry about the typos.  Before kids I spent a lot of time making sure my posts were perfect.  I wanted the wording right, and no typos.  Well, now it's a matter of getting it done when I have time, so please excuse the mistakes! 

Kimber and I getting ready to go for a ride!
 I didn't go all the way to the top, because the weather had warmed up and created a layer of ice on top of the snow.  I anticipated I may go pretty fast...

In case you can't see my face...  I should have a thinking bubble that says "oh shit".  Cause we were going pretty fast!

Safely at the bottom!
 We will never get over the scenery and we must be instilling our appreciation in our little ones.  One day I was driving with Dane and there was a pretty sunset with lots of colors.  I was distracted and not necessarily appreciating it until he says "mama, that's beautiful" and I realize that yes...  it is beautiful!
Here is a picture that Clint took.  I thought it was pretty incredible!
Haystack Butte

Rocky Mountain Front
 Now, you can't see him...  but, Clint is just off to the left, cracking his bullwhip.  :)  Dad always said a tired kid is a good kid! :)  Notice the rocks in front of the sled.  We figured that would slow him down! 
Okay, I'm just kidding.  Until Clint told Dane to pull it with the rope, this is how he thought he should get the sled around!

 When we weren't on the ice, we were at the cabin, or taking a drive to look at wildlife.  Here is Kimber.

A Bighorn Ram

White-Tail Deer
We ended up spending Saturday and Sunday night up there and coming back this morning.  It warmed up a bunch and then rained all last night so we headed back and got some things done around here.  Now both of my guys are looking pretty slick with nice haircuts! 


Hauptmanns in Hawaii said...

Oh my gosh, spectacular pictures!

Anonymous said...

the pictures are great. I remember when Dad took us sledding at Cold Springs hill. At least he had us wear helmets. I can't wait to see you!