Friday, November 15, 2013

A few more awesome hunts!

The last couple weeks have been pretty eventful.  We were fortunate enough to have Bill and Sheri here for a nice visit... While they were here, Clint and Bill made it out and harvested a great buck for Bill.  Here are a few photos from their day!  

The deer were up on a butte and the boys had quite the crawl to get into a spot where they could shoot.  Bill made an excellent shot, and he had a nice 4x4 mule deer on the ground!

 Then Clint and Brock headed up to some of our favorite stomping grounds.  They had a great day hiking around, looking for deer.  
 They saw this nice raghorn bull.
 Then Brock worked his magic and shot a nice mule deer buck!  I think he was pretty excited!

 Nice work Brock!!!!  
 Two happy guys!

November is flying by and we are enjoying it!  We've got a few more hunts to enjoy so hopefully we will have a few more pictures to post soon!

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