Sunday, December 13, 2009

Number two...

Well, we've got another bun in the oven...
It's bakin' at about 98.6 and should be done around June 23rd!!!
We thought we would share the news with everyone now that we are past the 3 month mark. We had an ultrasound last week and everything looks good. I can't believe that we have decided to do this all again! But we hear that 2 is the magical number and Dane is so much fun we decided that it would be awesome to add one more to the family!
I hope to enjoy this pregnancy a little more (I hear that there are people who LOVE being far I don't fall in that crowd!) But at least this time I know how amazing it is to have a little one, and the fact that all the (wonderful?) changes to my body are temporary and things will return to normal eventually!
Does everyone remember "the Forklift"? Well, that's Dane... We don't have any more good stories to derive a nickname for this little one yet, so for now "the bean" will have to suffice!
Take care everyone and have a wonderful weekend!
I think we are going to enjoy the weather from inside, it's currently -25 with the wind chill. Baking Christmas cookies sounds like a good idea!!!


Hauptmanns in Hawaii said...

Wow, congratulations!

Da Baums said...

We are so excited for you guys!!! Yeah!!! You guys are so brave. Jeremy still hasn't gotten on board with another one yet. He keeps putting it off. "Next month we will try." SO who knows maybe when Hannah is 20 he will be ready for another one :) hehe Congrats I hope this pregnancy goes well. I am with you on the not loving being prego thing!! I am so not looking forward to that!