Monday, July 20, 2009

A day with Grandma!

Friday my mom and I both had the day off and we had a great time together. To start the day, Dane and I got up and went for our run, (he had the easier part of that deal!) and then we spent a few minutes with Clint before he went to bed. (He got home from work about 0930... gotta love overnights) Then we went over to Grandma's and picked her up. Well, of course as soon as we started driving Dane fell asleep. We wanted him to be in a good mood, so we decided to take a drive out to Benton Lake Wildlife Refuge and let him sleep while we took in the sights. We saw a lot of cool critters, here are a couple of them...
A rock-chuck snacking on some grass
A blue heron fishing in the shallows

We did all of our weekly shopping and we also went to the park... Here are grandma and Dane checking out the birds.

As I said we had a great day... Dane truly enjoyed his special time with Grandma!

and here is a random picture of Dane playing!

1 comment:

Shannon Houston said...

Love the last pic of Dane, he looks like such a big boy! Sounds like a great day spent with Grandma, gotta have lots of that time for sure!