Friday, November 2, 2007

Clint was home!!!

Yesterday Clint was home for the day!!! We all know that it was a good day!
We got to go out hunting and I shot a mule deer doe. Unfortunately, we weren't thinking and forgot our camera. So, no pictures this time. Just imagine a pregnant gal holding a deer with big ears!!!
It was so good to have Clint for the whole day and I lucked out and got the day off as well! He went back to Butte this morning, but should be home next Tuesday. That is when we get our 20 week ultrasound and find out what gender the forklift, (forklift-et) is... It doesn't really matter (of course we just want a healthy baby), but it will be fun to know. Then we can pick out some names, buy some stuff. Ya know, all the exciting things!!!
I think we may get a CD burned so if the pictures turn out good, I'll post some!!!

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